Last Updated 12/5/02

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The items listed below are uniques that my friends and I have found while playing Diablo. Every single one of them is a legitimate item. I don't believe in cheating; it takes the fun out of the game. For the items that I do not have still, I took the stats from various web pages. Unfortunately, I can not verify that the stats are 100% correct. You'll just have to find the items yourself =).


Black Razor +150% damage, +2 vitality

The Bonesaw adds 10 points to damage, +10 strength, -5 magic, -5 dexterity, +10 hit points, -10 mana

Doombringer +25% to hit, +250% damage, -5 all attributes, -250 HP, -20% light radius

Ice Shank +40% resist fire, altered drability (15), +5 to +10 strength

Lightsabre 1-10 lightning damage, +20% light radius, +20% to hit, +50% resist lightning

The Falcon's Talon fastest attack, +20% to hit, -33% damage, +10 dexterity

Shadowhawk hit steals 5% life, +15% to hit, +5% resist all, -20% light radius

Sword of Inferno 2-12 fire damage, +20 mana, +30% light radius, +75% resist lightning

The Defender AC 5, +10 vitality, -5% to hit

The Executioner's Blade +150% damage, -10 hit points, -10% light radius, high durability (60)

The Grandfather one handed sword with two handed icon, +5 all attributes, +20% to hit, +70% damage

The Grizzly (two-handed) +20 strength, -5 vitality, knocks target back, +200% damage, +100% durability (150)

Wizardspike +15 magic, +35 mana, +25% to hit, resist all +15%

Griswold's Edge (single player only) fire hit damage 1-10, 25% to hit, fast attack, knocks target back, +20 mana, -20 hit points


Blunt Weapons

Baranar's Star +12% to hit, +80% damage, fast attack, +4 vitality, -4 dexterity

Civerb's Cudgel

Cranium Basher +20 damage, +15 strength, -150 mana, resist all +5%

Gnarled Root +20% to hit, +300% damage, AC -10, +10 dexterity, +5 magic, +10% resist all

Schaefer's Hammer -100% damage, +50 hit points, +30% to hit, 1-50 lightning damage, +10% light radius, 75% resist lightning

Dreamflange +30 magic, +50 mana, reist magic +50%, +20% light radius, spells are increased 1 level

The Celestial Star AC -8, +10 damage, +20% light radius



Bow of the Dead +10% to hit, +4 dexterity, -3 vitality, -20% light radius, altered durability (30)

Eaglehorn +20 dexterity, +50% to hit, +100% damage, indestructable

Flamedart 1-6 fire damage, +20% to hit, +40% resist fire

Fleshstinger +15 dexterity, +40% to hit, +80% damage

The Blackoak Bow +10 dexterity, -10 vitality, +50% damage, -10% light radius

The Needler +50% to hit, fast attack

Windforce +5 strength, +200% damage, knocks target back



Aguinara's Hatchet +10 magic, spells are increased 1 level, resist magic +75%

Hellslayer +8 strength, +25 vitality, +100% damage, -25 mana

Messerschmidt's Reaver +200% damage, +15 to damage, +5 all attributes, -50 hit points, fire hit damage 2-12

Stonecleaver +30 hit points, to hit +20%, +50% damage, resist lightning +40%

Bloodslayer +100% damage, +200% damage vs. demons, -5 all attributes, spells are decreased 1 level

The Butcher's Cleaver (single player only) +10 strength, unusual damage, altered durability (10)

Wicked Axe -5 damage from enemies, +30% to hit, +10 dexterity, -10 vitality



Gleamsong +25 mana, -3 strength, -3 vitality, 76 phasing charges

Mindcry +15 magic, 69 guardian charges, resist all +15%, spells are increased 1 level

Naj's Puzzler +20 magic, +10 dexterity, -25 hit points, +20% resist all, 57 teleport charges

Rod of Onan 50 golem charges, +100% damage, +5 all attributes

Storm Spire +10 strength, -10 magic, 2-8 lightning damage, +50% resist lightning

The Protector +5 vitality, -5 damage from enemies, AC 40, 86 healing charges, attacker takes 1-3 damage

Thundercall 1-10 lightning damage, +35% to hit, +20% light radius, +30% resist lightning, 76 lightning charges



Blackoak Shield +10 dexterity, -10 vitality, -10% light radius

Holy Defender -2 damage from enemies, fast block, +20% resist fire, +200% durability (96), absorbs 2 hit points per hit received

Split Skull Shield +10 hit points, +2 strength, -10% light radius

Stormshield AC 40, +4 damage from enemies, +10 strength, fast block, indestructible

Dragon's Breach 25% resist fire, +5 strength, 25 AC, -5 magic, indestructible



Demonspike Coat AC 100, -6 damage from enemies, +10 strength, indestructible, resist fire +50%

The Gladiator's Bane -2 damage from enemies, +200% durability, -3 all attributes

Leather of Aut +5 strength, -5 magic, +5 dexterity

Naj's Light Plate no strength requirement, +5 magic, +20 mana, resist all +20%

Nightscape faster hit recovery, -40% light radius, +3 dexterity, +20% resist all

Rainbow Cloak +1 all attributes, +5 hit points, +50% durability (17), +10% resist all

Scavenger's Carapace AC -6 to -30, -15 damage from enemies, +5 dexterity, +40% resist lightning

Sparkling Mail 1-10 lightning damage

Torn Flesh of Souls -1 damage from enemies, +10 vitality

Wisdom's Wrap -1 damage from enemies, +5 magic, +10 mana, +25% resist lightning

Arkaine's Valor (single player only) AC 25, +10 vitality, -3 damage from enemies, fastest hit recovery



Fool's Crest -4 all attributes, +100 hit points, +1 to +6 damage from enemies, attacker takes 1-3 damage

Overlord's Helm +20 strength, +15 dexterity, +5 vitality, -20 magic, altered durability (15)

Royal Circlet +10 all attributes, +40 mana, AC 40, +10% light radius

Gotterdamerung +20 all attributes, AC 60, -4 damage from enemies, all resistance equals 0, -40% light radius

Thinking Cap +30 mana, spells are increased 1 level, resist all +20%, altered durability (1)

The Undead Crown (single player only) life stealing, AC 8

Harlequin's Crest (single player only) AC -3, -1 damage from enemies, +2 all attributes, +7 hit points, mana +7

Helm of Spirits



Constricting Ring +75% resist all, deals continuous damage to oneself while worn

Ring of Engagement AC 5, -1 to -2 damage from enemies, 1-3 damage to attacker, damages target's armor

Empyrean Band (single player only) +2 all attributes, +20% light radius, fast hit recovery, absorbs half trap damage

Optic Amulet (single player only) +20% light radius, +20% resist lightning, -1 damage from enemies, +5 magic

Ring of Truth (single player only) +10 hit points, -1 damage from enemies, +10% resist all